Cable Piano Serial Number

The Cable Piano Co. Was established in 1880 by H.D. Cable was originally with the Wolfinger Organ Co., which later changed to the Western Cottage Organ Co. And then to the. The Cable Piano Company of Chicago was one of the largest and most successful piano manufacturer in American history. The company was established in 1880 by H.D. Cable, who had originally been with the Western Cottage Organ Company (later changed to Chicago Cottage Organ Company ).

Cable Piano Serial Number

Cable Piano Serial Number

Cable Piano Serial Number 455545

I have a Hobart M. Cable upright piano that I think is quite old. Does anyone know the value? Here are the details.
Serial number is 142304 (I think). There is a seal on the inside of the lid that says: Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition 1909 Seattle. Gold Medal Hobart M. Cable Piano. Guaranteed. Then, Manufactured by the Hobart M. Cable Company, La Port, Indiana.
The condition is: finish shows signs of wear. One foot pedal is broken. Some of the ivory on the keys needs to be replaced and it is out of tune.
Thanks for any help.