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- From the serial number, it appears the piano was manufactured between the years 19. Original Manufacturer of this brand-name--The Decker Bros. Piano Company Established--1862, by David and John Becker.
- Piano Serial Numbers Find out how old your piano is by finding out the serial number and then checking it against this list of piano brands. If you are thinking of selling your piano, knowing the age of it certainly helps.
Discover Your Pianos Current Market Value So You Can Sell It For The Best Possible Price
'Ages and Historical Records of Pianos sold in America' Part I. If your are looking for piano history or genealogy help, then this is the place for you. Jesse French Numbers. The Autopiano Company had for years exported its popular product to sections of the world, and the Autopiano was.
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My piano had been in our family since I was young and we needed some information about wether it was worth selling. We had already read some things about this particular brand but couldn’t seem to find out anything else. Your website not only clarified my pianos age but now I can sell my piano with confidence knowing exactly what it’s worth. Great website. Highly recommended!
Karyn Lucas
New York, USAHow Old Is My Piano?
Free Software Serial Numbers
Your piano’s age is one of the most significant factors in determining your piano’s Value. Each piano is manufactured with a unique serial number that is recorded for future reference of not only when it was made but also where. Discover your Piano’s Age and Country Of Origin with our 5 Star Accuracy Guide to ensure the quality and reliability of each result.
We were looking to purchase a Baby Grand Piano late last year but didn’t have any idea what we should expect to pay. After finding this site, we began by cross referencing all the pianos we were looking at with the valuation calculators. We quickly worked out which pianos were over priced or good value. It actually took the stress out of the whole buying process and we got a really good deal.
Sharni Limsal
Massachusetts, USAI spent over 3 hours last night looking for some basic information about how much I should sell my small upright piano for. It wasn’t till I stumbled across your Piano Calculator website that I finally got some answers. After signing up to your membership I discovered my Piano’s actually worth a lot more than expected. It was well worth finding out now rather than later…
John Grassie
Manchester, UKCalculate Pianos Age
Find out how old your piano is by finding out the serial number and then checking it against this list of piano brands. If you are thinking of selling your piano, knowing the age of it certainly helps
Once you have found the serial number of your piano you can find out its date of manufacture. You’ll find 157 Piano Manufacturers on this list.
The following list of numbers represents the date of manufacture followed by the piano serial numbers. The letters ‘sn’ mean serial number.
Piano Manufacturer: Ackerman and Lowe
1907 sn-4600 1908 sn-5400 1909 sn-6300 1910 sn-7200
1911 sn-8000 1912 sn-9100 1913 sn-10300 1914 sn-11500
1915 sn-12700 1916 sn-13600 1917 sn-14500 1918 sn-15400
1919 sn-16200 1920 sn-17000 1921 sn-17800 1922 sn-18600
1923 sn-19000 1924 sn-19890 1925 sn-20300 1926 sn-20900
1927 sn-21300
Illinois Watch Company Serial Numbers
Piano Manufacturer: Acoustigrande
1900 sn-500 1907 sn-4600 1914 sn-11500 1921 sn-17800
1901 sn-800 1908 sn-5400 1915 sn-12700 1922 sn-18600
1902 sn-1030 1909 sn-6300 1916 sn-13600 1923 sn-19000
1903 sn-1900 1910 sn-7200 1917 sn-14500 1924 sn-19800
1904 sn-2500 1911 sn-8000 1918 sn-15400 1925 sn-20300
1905 sn-3000 1912 sn-9100 1919 sn-16200 1926 sn-20900
1906 sn-3600 1913 sn-10300 1920 sn-17000 1927 sn-21300
Piano Manufacturer: Acrosonic
1936 sn-265000 1967 sn-831583 1977 sn-1104802 1987 sn-1406054
1946 sn-365000 1968 sn-851540 1978 sn-1135737 1988 sn-1432927
1956 sn-585454 1969 sn-881087 1979 sn-1180266 1989 sn-1442402
1960 sn-679844 1970 sn-912986 1980 sn-1220374 1990 sn-1431760
1961 sn-702806 1971 sn-933476 1981 sn-1253176 1991 sn-1450068
1962 sn-723778 1972 sn-953937 1982 sn-1286178 1992 sn-1463568
1963 sn-743772 1973 sn-979129 1983 sn-1324487 1993 sn-1478744
1964 sn-763143 1974 sn-1007687 1984 sn-1343955 1994 sn-1483157
1965 sn-784017 1975 sn-1035719 1985 sn-1365605 1995 sn-1491127
1966 sn-803727 1976 sn-1067508 1986 sn-1383187 1996 sn-1500324
Piano Manufacturer: Aeolian
Piano Manufacturer: Alexander
1956 sn-160000 1959 sn-169000 1962 sn-180000 1965 sn-191000
1957 sn-163100 1960 sn-172000 1963 sn-183000 1966 sn-195000
1958 sn-166000 1961 sn-176000 1964 sn-187000 1967 sn-199000
Piano Manufacturer: Amerling
1959 sn-10500 1960 sn-11000 1961 sn-11500 1962 sn-12000
1963 sn-12500 1964 sn-13000 1965 sn-13500 1966 sn-14000
1967 sn-14500 1968 sn-15000 1969 sn-15500 1970 sn-16000
Piano Manufacturer: Ampico
1920 sn-81000 1923 sn-84900 1926 sn-88800 1929 sn-93700
1921 sn-82900 1924 sn-86600 1927 sn-89600 1930 sn-94000
1922 sn-83900 1925 sn-87800 1928 sn-91500 1931 sn-97000
Piano Manufacturer: Anderson Brothers
1956 sn-160000 1959 sn-169000 1962 sn-180000 1965 sn-191000
1957 sn-163100 1960 sn-172000 1963 sn-183000 1966 sn-195000
1958 sn-166000 1961 sn-176000 1964 sn-187000 1967 sn-199000
Piano Manufacturer: Angelus
1912 sn-1000 1915 sn-3400 1918 sn-5400 1921 sn-7500
1913 sn-1500 1916 sn-4200 1919 sn-6000 1922 sn-8000
1914 sn-2600 1917 sn-4800 1920 sn-6700
Piano Manufacturer: Alexander
1956 sn-160000 1959 sn-169000 1962 sn-180000 1965 sn-191000
1957 sn-163100 1960 sn-172000 1963 sn-183000 1966 sn-195000
1958 sn-166000 1961 sn-176000 1964 sn-187000 1967 sn-199000
Piano Manufacturer: Amerling
1959 sn-10500 1960 sn-11000 1961 sn-11500 1962 sn-12000
1963 sn-12500 1964 sn-13000 1965 sn-13500 1966 sn-14000
1967 sn-14500 1968 sn-15000 1969 sn-15500 1970 sn-16000
Piano Manufacturer: Ampico
J. Stevens Arms Company Serial Numbers
1920 sn-81000 1923 sn-84900 1926 sn-88800 1929 sn-93700
1921 sn-82900 1924 sn-86600 1927 sn-89600 1930 sn-94000
1922 sn-83900 1925 sn-87800 1928 sn-91500 1931 sn-97000
Piano Manufacturer: Anderson Brothers
1956 sn-160000 1959 sn-169000 1962 sn-180000 1965 sn-191000
1957 sn-163100 1960 sn-172000 1963 sn-183000 1966 sn-195000
1958 sn-166000 1961 sn-176000 1964 sn-187000 1967 sn-199000
Software Serial Numbers
Piano Manufacturer: Angelus
1912 sn-1000 1915 sn-3400 1918 sn-5400 1921 sn-7500
Free Serial Numbers
1913 sn-1500 1916 sn-4200 1919 sn-6000 1922 sn-8000
1914 sn-2600 1917 sn-4800 1920 sn-6700